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Sample Fees

  • Web design
  • Research (please use contact form to request a quote)
  • Copywriting/Editing (please use contact form to request a quote; prices usually range from $300 - $500 for simple line editing / proofreading of projects of 60K words to 100K words. For more detailed editing (including some suggested rewrites of lines), $400 - $600 for the same wordcounts above. For full book doctoring services, which take your book from the outlining/planning stage, average prices for an average novel--YA fantasy, for example, which can average from 60K to 100K words--the price can range from $1,000 to $3,000; the difference depends on what level of work is needed to help you build and buff your tale. For example, an entire package that includes doctoring, line editing/suggested rewrites and final proofreading, the package would likely cost $3,000.
  • Content (please use contact form to request a quote)
Web Design

Flexibility is our watchword. Our Web services can be billed hourly or at a flat rate (usually preferable for larger jobs). We also offer special package menus that can make your choice even easier.

Web Design Packages

Introductory Web Presence:
A good choice for individuals or small businesses currently interested in establishing a quick "business card" or resume site.


Up to five pages, ten graphics (e.g. illustrative photos, navigation, logo, others to be supplied by you or your company as requested/required), navigation widgets (menu bar, side navigation, tab menus), feedback form, domain registration, meta tags, twitter and/or Facebook integration, flexible or fixed accessible/mobile-friendly CSS-based design if needed; can also use flexible or fixed tables if you prefer (e.g. if you're more comfortable editing table-based designs and will be working with the site on your own later on).

Don't have hosting? We are a reseller for a highly recommended *NIX-based webhost (which we've used ourselves for 12 years) and can offer monthly, quarterly or yearly discounts depending on your site's needs. Once you're set up, you'll have full access to your own control panel if you like, or we can maintain the site and install programs for you for either a regular maintenance fee or a one-time charge depending on how often you expect to need updates.


$500 for one - three pages (minimum)
$650 for four pages
$800 for five pages

Standard Presence:
Offers more space to communicate your message, to interact with your audience, and to promote yourself, your service, or your product(s).


All of the above, plus additional pages (maximum of fifteen), five additional graphics (original or your own, maximum of fifteen), installation/set-up of two CGI or PHP programs (for example, a mailing list, blog or forum -- useful for journaling, customer service or creating a community), and email alias set-up (depending on host service).


Starting at $2,000

Don't have hosting? We are a reseller for a highly recommended *NIX-based webhost (which we've used ourselves for 12 years) and can offer monthly, quarterly or yearly discounts depending on your site's needs. Once you're set up, you'll have full access to your own control panel if you like, or we can maintain the site and install programs for you for either a regular maintenance fee or a one-time charge depending on how often you expect to need updates.

Premiere Presence:
An advanced site, providing a rich experience for your visitors, a comprehensive presentation and explanation of your business/message, and plenty of room to grow.


All of the above, plus twenty pages and graphics along with others as needed, installation/set-up of additional PHP or CGI scripts; widgets including image gallery/lightbox scripts, tooltips (popup descriptions or definitions of terms), additional mailing list set-up; 468x60 banner ad from your logo or with your own text/graphics, 88x31 button ad, other sizes as needed.


Starting at $4,500

Custom Presence:
If none of the above packages are a good match for your needs, contact us for a custom quote for your future site. Or, you might want to pick one of the packages and add some of the features below.

additional features

T Y P E    O F   F E A T U R E :

F E E :

Widgets (e.g., image gallery, image rotation, tab panels, popup tooltips, twitter or Facebook integration, etc.)spacer

$50/hr of set-up (depending on complexity, can take 1-2 hours; java applets may take longer)

PHP or Perl/CGI script


Additional feedback formsspacer

$20 per form

Photo scanning, web optimizationspacer

$20 per photo

Original graphics creation (photos,banners, button ads, art, icons, etc.)spacer


T Y P E    O F    S E R V I C E :

H O U R L Y    R A T E :

Web Design (includes HTML, layout,
basic navigational graphics, simple forms,
logo repurposing, etc.) spacer

$50/hr ($35 for returning clients)

Graphic Design (original logo, photo
optimalization, other graphics for design
embellishment as requested)spacer

$40/hr ($20 for returning clients)

Script customization (Perl/PHP) spacer

$60/hr ($40 for returning clients)


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